Our Services

From consulting and advisory services to technical assistance and support, our comprehensive services can help your project thrive.

International Law

Bilateral and multilateral agreements

  • Treaties and conventions

  • Memoranda of understanding

  • Diplomatic Protocols

  • Country Assessments

  • Implementation reports

  • Gap assessments

  • Comparative analysis

  • Compliance

International Trade

  • Economic Partnership Agreements

  • Export and Import feasibility reporting

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Policy, Legislation & Governance

Administrative & Public Law matters

  • Legislation and regulation

  • Policies and procedures

  • Bye-laws and constitutions

  • Inquests and Public Enquiries

  • Statutory compliance

  • Public Procurement

Knowledge-based Products

Drafting and Reporting through:

  • Guidebooks /guidelines

  • Protocols

  • Contracts and Agreements

  • Briefing notes

  • Presentations of findings - to management / donors / stakeholders

  • presentation of findings - to online hub for knowledge sharing

  • Electronic data interchange [open to using it]

  • Advocacy Strategy and Roadmap

Management advisory services

  • Project Cycle Management - Humanitarian Specialty

    • Feasibility Studies / Screening of Project Ideas [Humanitarian Specialty]

    • Regional or Location Studies of Projects

    • Project Administration / Planning

    • Temporary drafting service

    • Project impact assessment

    • MEAL

    • Economic or financial evaluation of projects

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Human Rights & Humanitarian Law
  • Conflict Analysis

  • Mediation

  • Social Housing

  • Anti-discrimination & Equality

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  • Gender Based Violence

We also offer specialised services to academia on practise areas of Public, Administrative and Human Rights Law.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building

Legal Research

Legal Research is at the heart of MOIR Consulting. and our forensic approach is imbued in every practise area offered. Our deliverables are backed by investigations into fact, law and best practise. Legal Research is the backbone of our operations and our forensic approach is imbued in every practise area offered.

We offer:

  • Research Protocol: research questions, study design and methodology, data collection and analysis procedures, ethical considerations, and informed consent (includes timeline, expected outcomes, and impact)

  • Pilot research studies

  • Mapping report

  • Initial findings report : based on pilot participatory research in geographical, social, cultural and political thematic areas

  • Proposals for further research/ locations/

  • qualitative research

    • interviews

    • focus group discussions

    • research methodologies

Technical expertise in:

  • implementation of taxonomies and lexicons including developing key words and phrases for integration with automated systems

  • development and application of categorizations for technical systems,

  • the use of text mining and analysis tools,

  • the rollout of technical solutions and the support of adoption of technology solutions.

Thematic Areas

  • Urban Development / Sustainability: social housing, land based financing, metropolitan management / smart cities

  • Human Rights : Prisons, rehabilitation, detention conditions, juvenile detention, migrant rights and detention, police impunity, judicial misconduct,

  • Governance: Misfeasance, malfeasance

  • Anti-Corruption

  • Gender : gender analysis, gender responsive strategies

  • Democracy, governance, anti-corruption

  • Human rights - DEI, gender, police impunity, judicial misconduct, integrity reviews

  • Social Housing

  • Anti-discrimination & Equality

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  • Gender Based Violence

  • diplomatic immunity

  • State immunity

  • diplomatic protection

  • State responsibility

  • use of force

  • mediation and conflict resolution